Have you ever thought of a condition where when you are driving in a wet condition, and at one point you suddenly brake...... and your tyres just jam or stop rolling. Which kind of condition will stop better?? a stopping tyre or a roling tyre?? During these situations, it would be best to have a rolling tyre then a stop tyre during braking. As with a stop tyre, you loose grip as the contact between the tyre and the road is at a float. this is called hydroplaning. This is how a car skids and does not go according to the direction yo want during braking. However for a person to let go of the brake at that moment of time or pump the brake to make the tyre stop and go as to prevent tyre lockup is impossible. Due to this difficulty, a device is input into the car braking system where a computer controls the brakes to prevent tyre lockup during braking. This in turn prevents tyre lockup and enhances braking on wet or slippery surface.

It works by sensing the speed of each of the tyres using the speed sensor. as one tyre stops during braking, the speed sensor sends a signal to the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) which will then calculate and control the ABS modulator by releasing the pressure within the brake system. As pressure is being release during braking, the tyre will have a stop and go effect which will result in a pulsation feel during braking. this in turn prevents tyre lockup.
So be safe on the road :)
Any question or suggestions feel free to comment about it