Monday, February 14, 2011

Voltage Stabilizers and Grounding effect

Ever wonder why your engines RPM (Rev Per Minute) drops a little when you turn on the headlights, radio, wiper, and other accessories after starting your engines???. Well this is due to a voltage drop as after starting your engines, the car does not use much of the battery power but uses the alternator which generates current when the engines are running. However the current is not that constant as it generates according to the engines speed and due to load demands. No doubt within the alternator has a voltage regulator to control these but it is not so efficient enough to control the current flowing within the whole vehicle. The vehicles factory grounding also contributes to this as it deteriorates from time to time as the vehicle ages.

  Due to that enhancers are used such as aftermarket voltage stabilizers and extra grounding wires to enhance the current flow to make it more stable and smooth. The effect is a better current flow as well as longer life span of most electrical items. 

Without these enhancers, a normal vehicle with factory grounding sometimes happens to have blown bulb at times, distortions on radios, and sometimes have static electric when touching on the vehicle which can destroy the most important part of the car which is the ECU or other electronic component.

So for a better ride, add a voltage stabilizer and good grounding wires in your own vehicle. Happy driving. :)

Any question or suggestions feel free to comment about it :)


  1. Hi Subang
    how do we get this product and how does it cost. Please do let me know

  2. Voltage Stabilizers are in high demand to save your expensive electrical devices from damage. The voltage Stabilizers are indispensable to ensure the longevity of the electronic devices at your home.
