Friday, February 17, 2012

Nissan Sentra B14 spark plug seal replacement

Do you happen to find engine oil in your spark plug hole when you are about to replace your spark plugs??? Well normally is the spark plug seal which is located at the valve cover has either harden or broken in a way that it lets the engine oil slips through. However, when changing the spark plug seal it seems that there is a need to actually get a new valve cover as there is no way to remove the old seal and replace it with the new one. Here is the solution to this problem which all Nissan Sentra drivers with the black valve cover. Here are some pictures that shows the modification to the valve cover. Bare in mind you will need a steady hand. :) This is how it is done......

First remove the valve cover from the engine by removing all the spark plug high tension cables and holders, PCV valve and also the hoses. After that remove all the screws. With the screws all removed, slowly lift it using a flat screwdriver by prying in between the cylinder head and the valve cover.

With the valve cover removed, turn it upside down and clean all the engine oil with a rag. Be sure to remove the rubber seal which is at the center left of the valve cover and keep it somewhere safe as without it you will be burning engine oil. Next is to try and cover the small holes (if possible)

Take the new spark plug seal and place it over the spark plug hole to match it firmly right in the hole on top of the old seal which is still in the valve cover.

After placing the new seals on top of the old seals at the spark plug holes, take a small flat screwdriver or anything sharp and draw along the outer part of the new seal. this is to make a round circle on the part which will be cut.

After making a circle on the valve cover, take a flat screwdriver or a chisel and hack on the line to break it or you can also use a grinder to do so which will be better. cut it until the sides is as the same with the black surface on the sides after taking out the old seal. don't worry as it will not break out of the line just aim directly at the line properly when hacking using a screwdriver.

Next take out the old seal and used a sand paper or a sand grinder to smooth the surface that has already been cut. This is how it looks like when it is done. A bigger hole to fit the new seal.


All cut to oversize to fit the new seals. (new seals are already fitted) 

Clean up all the debris from the grinding and the cutting with a cloth or with compressed air . After that check and inspect all the seals and make sure you fit them right to the end by pressing it till it seats right in. with all that done, fit the valve cover back to the engine and tighten all the screws and fit back the hoses with the spark plug cables in place. Job done. Hope it helps :)

Any question or suggestions feel free to comment about it :)


  1. Hi, thank you very much for your information, but where can I buy the new seals? or do you have the seals measures?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi arturo... sorry for the late reply. as to the seals however i have gotten it from the parts store. how about asking at the parts store for B14 / GA16DE spark plug seals. Don't for get also to put sealant before installing it to the valve cover ( which i forgot to mention on the post ) :)

  3. yo dawg you damn good mech bro!

  4. Thx for your comments.... hope it helps you and other people out :)

  5. Thx for the info...I replaced the top valve cover with the B13.

  6. hi this engine using silent chain or normal chain like motorcycle chain...

  7. Hi... sorry for the long reply. as for the chain is a different kind of chain how ever is not a silent chain as there is a chain guide which makes it silent. :)

  8. TQ friend for writing this DIY.. i really appreciate your effort :)

  9. Good to know. I have been wondering about this since new seals came with the valve cover gasket I bought years ago. Now if the old ones ever leak I know just what to do. Thanks !

  10. Hi,, Do you have to apply some kind of glue or hold the new seals in place so that they don't drop out or move ?

    1. Hi. Yes you do need to apply sealant to it like three bond sealant to make it seal and prevent oil leak

    2. Hi. Yes you do need to apply sealant to it like three bond sealant to make it seal and prevent oil leak

  11. Hey really helpful one question tho is it possible to use a b13 seal in the b14 cover..

  12. My friend if i use sealant above the orings to hold them,is it sure that it wont move ?i shull wait to dry?

  13. My friend if i use sealant above the orings to hold them,is it sure that it wont move ?i shull wait to dry?

  14. My friends across here I wish to let you know I have being quite successfull in replacing these seals on all plastic covers for the pass 6 months. I am noe selling these in my country. No failure so far.

  15. Whatdosecause the oil to be flowingheavy true the back presher lĂ­nea how can stopthe the flow of oil that comes out there

  16. I put on new rings New valve seal what could cause oil to be coming out the back presher line
